
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


“There are roads that are still untouched that have yet to receive your love…and all creations crying out for the cross…there are hearts that have yet to see the power of Christ that has set them free..” 

Three years ago I sat in my car listening to a song that lead me into a passionate prayer. I sang this song as my prayer to God that I wanted to be sent out by Him for His glory! 

This month we are partnering with WYAM during their last outreach month. We traveled together 15 hours to Northern Kenya for our outreach ministry for about a week and a half. Northern Kenya is known to be mostly Islamic and also quite dangerous. The first travel day there we were expecting to hire two armed guards to escort us into the village if we were getting there by dark. But in good timing we got there before sunset. 

The region we traveled to is dealing with the longest drought they have had in years. People are starving, and their cows are falling. The region is a desert and even some water wells as their main water source points have dried up. In this case, peace is hard to come by in this region. There are 14 tribes in this area and there are conflict issues between all tribes. There are fights, gun wars, and people are being pushed out of their lands because of these dangerous conflicts. People are killing others over water, even children have died over collecting water that wasn’t their’s. 

On Thursday August 8th, my team mate Anna and I had an opportunity to serve along side another missions team. 11th Hour is an evangelistic missions team of 28 local and non local pastors and evangelists that unite together under one purpose. Sharing the gospel and to disciple people who belong to villages and tribes that have been unreached. 

After the morning fellowship and devotional a team of 20 squeezed into two vehicles and drove an hour through the dry and dusty desert to a village that has never been reached before. I knew that we were going to evangelize to a Muslim community but what I experienced was not what I was expecting. 

On the way to this unreached village, I was reminded of my prayer to God that I wanted to be one of His own that would go out to these untouched roads or unreached people groups. I was reminded that I prayed for God to send me just as Isaiah the prophet spoke “Here I am God, send me.” 

And on that day, it literally happened before my eyes. I was there. The Lord brought me to a village in the middle of the desert, far from paved roads, to share the gospel with people who only knew of the Islamic faith or people who only knew how to look after their cows and goats. 

As we approached their village on foot, the missions director insisted those who had their phones out to put them away. The village was something we’ve never seen before, including some missionaries who were Kenyans. There were about 20 houses that were huts built and held together by collected tree branches and sticks. People were sitting on rocks as their chairs. Children were half naked wearing old torn clothing. 

As the director warned the group to put the phones away and not take pictures, he reminded us that this was a new and hostile village that had not yet accepted us to enter even though we were standing in the middle of it. He was warning us that we had to be cautious about having our phones out because they didn’t know us and that we were trying to see if we would be welcomed to talk to the people of the village. He reminded us that we were standing in a conflict war zone. People were standing out in the bushes with their guns protecting their village from those who create conflict over the water. Guns could have been pointing at us that we couldn’t see, but I felt the peace of the Lord as we walked up anyway. I was not fearful knowing that the Lord’s protection was hovering us. The village was set up near but hidden away from their main water source. Because these people have been dealing with these reoccurring conflicts they have been relocating their families and having to rebuild over and over again. They are being forced to move around. 

After some time being there the people felt we were a group of good people. As we spent time talking to them we saw 4 women give their lives to Christ as well as 2 men who heard the gospel while they were watching over their cows! The 11th hour missions team provided a huge sack of clothing for this small tribe. The 11th Hour missions team now have plans to go back sometime in the next two weeks to follow up with them. They plan on discipling them so they know the Word of God more. 

The process of discipleship can be complicated when reaching out to the unreached due to groups of people who have never been educated. Therefore, they are unable to read even the Bible. So the Word of God needs to be spoken to them for now. 

This is exactly what Jesus has called us to do peeps! The great commission is that we “have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20 NLT

Whether it’s these untouched roads far from highways, those that are in conflict zones, the ones who are standing on a corner in a city waiting for a drug hookup, the atheist who rebukes Christians, or even the richest person who thinks they don’t need God. Every person is given chances to know and accept Christ as Lord, but it is up to us to go out! It’s up to us to share His Word, His love! Even in America, here we are working with young adults at our jobs and they make comments saying “I don’t know who Jesus is.” Many young adults in America have grown up addicted to video games, dating, social media or spending their time in things with others who also don’t know Jesus or where he’s not talked about. Us American Christians who love the Lord need to not keep it safe for us anymore. It’s time we get out of the comfortable zones, and start taking risks to love people. Taking risks will allow the Lord to open doors for us to share the gospel. It’s an expression of love if you think about it. And honestly the more humble we are to share God’s Word, the easier it becomes and the Lord shows is His devine goodness through it all! I love you all! And Jesus loves you more! 

“Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.”      Isaiah 55:6 

*Song Lyrics by Lindy Conant “Isaiah 6”



6 responses to ““We’re Standing in a War Zone””

  1. WOOOOOW! This is FIRE. ?????? Girl. Thank you for sharing this story and for speaking with such encouragement, boldness, and love! And for challenging the American church of believers!

  2. Love hearing about your time out there. Thank you for all that you are doing praise God

  3. Glory be back to Him who created heaven and Earth we real need missionaries in our generation like you we have an island in Uganda which has never reached with gospel and it’s my prayer to God bring some missionaries reach that island God bless you and increase your anointing

  4. Glory be back to Him who created heaven and Earth we real need missionaries in our generation like you we have an island in Uganda which has never reached with gospel and it’s my prayer to God bring some missionaries reach that island God bless you and increase your anointing

  5. Glory be back to Him who created heaven and Earth we real need missionaries in our generation like you we have an island in Uganda which has never reached with gospel and it’s my prayer to God bring some missionaries reach that island God bless you and increase your anointing

  6. Wow! I had no idea this is what you all did and went through while away. This blog is so powerful and an eye opener! Thank you for sharing this.